Worker's Compensation

Worker's Compensation

Worker's Compensation

Employees of the Butte-Glenn Community College District are covered by Workers' Compensation insurance for any work-related injury or illness. If Injured at Work highlights an employee's responsibilities in the process and provides a listing of approved clinics for treatment of non-emergency injuries. The costs for treatment are paid directly by the District's Workers' Compensation Provider, Keenan and Associates. Submit an Unsafe Condition form or phone Facilities Planning and Management (530) 895-2381 if you feel the injury or illness was caused by a possible unsafe condition.

If you are injured on the job you have a right to be treated immediately by your personal physician providing you have filed a Pre-Designation of Personal Physician form with the District prior to your injury. Please contact Human Resources for more information regarding this form.

Managers and Supervisors can familiarize themselves with the proper procedures for handling employee work injuries by viewing Supervisor Guidelines for Employee Work Injuries.

Download Report of Accident/Injury, Supervisor's Accident/Investigation Report or Employee's Claim for Workers' Compensation Benefits (DWC-1) forms below.

Contact Human Resources (530) 895-2400 if you have questions about Workers' Compensation.


If Injured At Work

Unsafe Condition Form

Supervisor Guidelines for Employee Work Injuries

Report of Accident/Injury

Supervisor's Accident Investigation Report

Student Injury Report

Employee's Claim for Workers' Compensation Benefits (DWC-1)

Content Editor:

Kathy Turner
(530) 879-4047